Downstream Company
A large downstream company building a new multi-billion dollar facility, concerned about the quality and completeness of information handover from EPCs, retained ReVisionz to develop information handover standards and implement auditing solutions to ensure EPCs deliverables are complete, compliant and consistent.
Wanting to avoid common pitfalls experienced by other companies with similar projects, the client set the following objectives:
- Ensure progressive information handover. Avoid information handover from being an ‘event’ (dump truck at the end of the project), to a progressive handover of information.
- Define EPC information deliverables based on the needs of operations, process safety and maintenance. Avoid the typical situation of being document rich and information poor.
- Ensure consistency of deliverables from the multiple EPCs involved. Avoid EPC and vendors providing information in inconsistent formats and structures making it difficult to manage handover and sustainment of information over the lifecycle of the facility.
- Ensure that EPC and vendor data and document deliverables comply with the company’s governing standards for tag and document naming, revisioning and so on.
- Enable auditing of data and document deliverables.
- Hold EPCs and vendors accountable for meeting the company’s handover standards and timelines.
The company engaged ReVisionz to assist in developing its information handover standards and set up solutions to audit information through the handover process. Working with the client, ReVisionz helped develop the following:
- EPC contractual deliverable requirements standard for data and documents.
- Vendor data and document requirements standard.
- Engineering Design Tools (EDT) data requirement standards.
ReVisionz worked closely with the client and their supply chain group to include the appropriate clauses within the EPC and vendor contracts, thereby ensuring EPC’s and vendors were aware of the handover standards and information requirements.
These standards along with the company’s governing standards (e.g. tag numbering, document number, metadata, etc.) formed the basis to establish the information handover auditing solutions.
Leveraging our domain expertise, templates and automation tools, we set up information handover auditing solutions. The auditing solutions consisted of methods and tools (e.g. dashboard reporting) to perform information (data and document) quality checks of the EDT data, completeness checks between company’s document management system and EDT’s databases, and compliance checks of information to company governing standards.

Improved Data Quality
Information quality issues were found early during the design phase, thereby avoiding unnecessary costs associated with addressing issues in operations and potential start-up delays.

Robust Handover Requirements
The company project managers and document control team had robust and clearly documented information handover requirements, with which to measure completeness of information handover and hold EPCs and vendors accountable to it.

Data Quality Dashboards
The use of intuitive dashboard reports provided a visual and effective tool to compare information across business systems ensuring completeness, compliance and consistency of information.
Although the information handover standards and auditing solutions were focused on the greenfield project, these continue to be used in operations and on-going OPEX and CAPEX projects. As such the company continues to realize benefits well beyond the initial project.